Παναγία Κοσμοσώτειρα στις Φέρες
Founded by the Sebastokrator Isaac Komnenos in 1151/2, the Holy Church of Panaghia Kosmosoteira, is a prominent byzantine monument in Thrace, Greece. The church declares its presence as one of the most important ensembles of Byzantine architecture and wall-painting decorations of the 12th century with a straight reference to the culture of Constantinople.
The publication of the present volume in Greek and in English documents the monument’s history and concisely describes the intervention works that took place from 2011, supplemented by photos, updated plans and diagrams.
Graphic design, Books, Photography
Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Έβρου

Προηγούμενο Έργο
Διαχρονικό Μουσείο ΛάρισαςΕπόμενο Έργο
Κωνσταντίνος Καβάφης